GMOs are engineered to withstand large applications of pesticides and insecticides and/or to produce an insecticide (from within the plant!). The same companies that own the GMOs also own the pesticides whose use has only increased with GMO crops. Despite biotech industry claims none of the GMOs on the market offer increased yield, drought resistance, better nutrition, or any other benefit.
According to, Natural News, studies show that:
* NON-GMO corn is 20 times richer in nutrition, energy and protein compared to GMO.
* NON-GMO corn contains substantially more potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and manganese. (From 12 to 46 times more!)
* NON-GMO corn was found to be free of chlorides, formaldehyde, glyphosphate, and other harmful chemicals.
* GMO corn contains about 19 times more glyphosphate than is permitted as a maximum in drinking water by the EPA and 130 times more glyphosphate than has been found in tests to cause organ damage in animals.
*GMO corn contains 200 times more formaldehyde than the recommended safety threshold of .97ppm.
Read Full Natural News Article: http://www.naturalnews.com/039864_GMO_corn_nutrients_minerals.html
Growing evidence connects GMOs with health problems, environmental pollution and superweeds, organic and conventional crop contamination, bee population decline, and violations of farmer and consumer rights.
For more information on GMOs visit:
NON-GMO Project: http://www.nongmoproject.org/
Healthy Personal Care: https://www.facebook.com/healthypersonalcare